- Scarborough,ME,USA
As we began another game of cribbage, the gas lantern hissed overhead, wind blasted against the side of the shingled cabin, the old stove crackled, and ice, ...
Full Story
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Fighting cabin fever
card games,
crash cribbage,
Cribbage on top of the world!

Everest News - Nepal"Away from the glacier the dining tent has become the social epicenter of camp. Mountaineering Monopoly and Cribbage seem to be the games of choice. The climbers have gravitated towards Monopoly, building their confidence by buying the worlds most demanding climbs. Meanwhile, Mark, Patricia, Dave, and Lisa play round after round of Cribbage flaunting their victories as if they had summitted themselves. Sadly, tomorrow the trekkers begin their journey back to Lukla while the climbers continue with their preparations. We will all miss the trekkers as they have become an integral part of the expedition. The climbers will be busy over the next few days but camp won't be the same."
Full article
The perfect hand

From: North Thompson Times
Apr 09 2007
It was an April “first” for Tom Noble and his partner Gloria Petre as they sat across from each other the morning of April Fool’s. A perfect hand of cribbage lay on the table, staring up at them. Three fives and a Jack had been dealt to Petre with the starter card turned over revealing a five in the same suit as the Jack. A perfect 29 hand.
At first the pair didn’t realize what had occurred.
“I think...” said Petre.
“I’ve never...” said Noble.
“I couldn’t believe my eyes,” Noble recalled, “I had to look at it again, and again.”
The couple get together at least two to three times a week to pit against each other in a friendly game of cribbage.
Neither has witnessed a genuine perfect hand dealt in their lifetime. “We figure we’ve got 120 years of card playing between us,” said Noble.
This was no April Fool’s trick. The highest score that can be achieved occurred during their third game of the morning. “I’ve had a 28 before,” claims Noble. It occurred during a ferry ride, “I was hooting and hollering; the whole ship could hear me!”
The tides may be turning for Petre.
“Usually I’m very lucky when I play cards with her,” said Noble. “She certainly won that game, and I got skunked to boot!”
Cribbage has been played since the early 17th century and has survived with no major changes as one of the most popular games enjoyed by the English-speaking world.
The odds of getting a 28 hand in a two-player game are one in 15,028.
There is a significant difference in achieving a perfect 29 hand in a two-player game. Odds are one in 216,580.
The odds triple if playing with three or four players (one in 649,740).
See original story
Monday, April 9, 2007
Cribblog wrap-up and kethup...
By Steve Sherlock
So with this shuffle of the deck, you get two sites, three posts, and the right variation or in cribbage scoring vocabulary: 15 for 2, a run of three, and the right jack for a total of six.
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Blogosphere
Cribbage is not a drinking game
By B Kiddo
E - So this is how you play cribbage? V - Isn't it a great game? B - As long as I am winning it is the Best!
Overheard at the Bar
the Champion
By Brian King
Next thing you know I'll start playing fantasy cribbage or something like that. Anyway, I'm remiss as a blogger because I haven't said anything about my 2.5 day pilrimage to Ann Arbor March 27-29. What can I say, I didn't want to lug ...
Brian's blog
The oldest tournament player, 92
North Thompson Star - Barriere,British Columbia,Canada A member of Branch 114 of the Legion, in Lynn Valley, Vancouver, Brongeest tells that he started playing Cribbage at the tender age of seven. ...
See all stories on this topic
Tax Everybody
By lassen
They were likely fed three square meals a day, and played cribbage and cricket while Prime Minister Blair blew his hot air, Bush threatened sanctions, and Ahmadinejad waited for just the right moment to take the pulpit and declare in ...
Random Press
Risk at speed
By The Thursday Club
The whole game lasted around an hour which is probably another record for us. As ever, out came the cards to finish off, with a few rounds of Cribbage and a close-fought one of our Whist variant.
Thursday Night Games Club
Lost Cities - First game with my wife
By jeblucas
We once tracked Cribbage games for a YEAR, so I could see this game gently rolling along to rounds 4, 5, 23, 87, 109, etc. When we have to break out the exponents we'll probably retire. Or if the kids eat it--whichever comes first. ...
BoardGameGeek Recent Additions
Turtles in Kelowna
By mer_lowe
Finally he agreed to learning how to play cribbage because there was nothing else to do. So at one in the morning we played a game, then finally called it a night. Late night on top of a long day of work but both were filled with ...
Thoughts into the Void
Back to School
Then we got ice cream and played Cribbage. I spent Friday eating Qdoba then playing airsoft with Rob and friends. All in all it has been a very boring break and I am looking forward to going to San Francisco.
The Adventures of Adam
blattius @ 2007-04-07T19:51:00 By blattius
I’m staying with a friend who I contacted over the Net, and have been doing very little more than watching TV and boning up on Cribbage. There were snow flurries today. I called my mother back to wish her Happy Easter. ...
The Blattiad
We did it!
By Liv
Dube made some apple pies and played cribbage with Adam, and Dube and I ate some pizza (after having skipped lunch at the museum...oops) and watched Pulp Fiction. It was a great, great day. And as Paul Simon would say, I've got nothin' ...
Quill and Ink
By Karin
We ended up building a fire and playing Wii and cribbage in front of it to keep warm. Then we piled the blankets on our bed, turned on a tiny space heater and went to sleep. In the morning, our room was toasty warm and the rest of the ...
The Continuing Adventures of...
You down with NO TV? Yeah, you know me.
By The Awsum Blog
After being repeatedly pummeled in Cribbage and King's Court, I suggested we play Jenga. I'm pretty sure "jenga" is Amish for "pile of sticks," but I could be wrong. I ended up winning, and coming up with an even better passtime: Use ...
The Awsum Blog
Perfect Cribbage Hand
By tchase

Friday April 6, 2007 I achieved Cribbage perfection. I got a 29 on the second game against my wife. I’ve been playing this game for about 25 years and we play ten to twenty games a week on average and this is the first time I’ve ever ...
Randolph Blue Wave
Post Birthday Report
By Clinton
Pretty light. Went out with the team at work for lunch, and grilled dinner with Calvin (he had burgers). Then we watched TV and I taught him how to play cribbage. Kay was out of town, so we'll have our celebration this weekend.
So with this shuffle of the deck, you get two sites, three posts, and the right variation or in cribbage scoring vocabulary: 15 for 2, a run of three, and the right jack for a total of six.
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Blogosphere
Cribbage is not a drinking game
By B Kiddo
E - So this is how you play cribbage? V - Isn't it a great game? B - As long as I am winning it is the Best!
Overheard at the Bar
the Champion
By Brian King
Next thing you know I'll start playing fantasy cribbage or something like that. Anyway, I'm remiss as a blogger because I haven't said anything about my 2.5 day pilrimage to Ann Arbor March 27-29. What can I say, I didn't want to lug ...
Brian's blog
The oldest tournament player, 92
North Thompson Star - Barriere,British Columbia,Canada A member of Branch 114 of the Legion, in Lynn Valley, Vancouver, Brongeest tells that he started playing Cribbage at the tender age of seven. ...
See all stories on this topic
Tax Everybody
By lassen
They were likely fed three square meals a day, and played cribbage and cricket while Prime Minister Blair blew his hot air, Bush threatened sanctions, and Ahmadinejad waited for just the right moment to take the pulpit and declare in ...
Random Press
Risk at speed
By The Thursday Club
The whole game lasted around an hour which is probably another record for us. As ever, out came the cards to finish off, with a few rounds of Cribbage and a close-fought one of our Whist variant.
Thursday Night Games Club
Lost Cities - First game with my wife
By jeblucas
We once tracked Cribbage games for a YEAR, so I could see this game gently rolling along to rounds 4, 5, 23, 87, 109, etc. When we have to break out the exponents we'll probably retire. Or if the kids eat it--whichever comes first. ...
BoardGameGeek Recent Additions
Turtles in Kelowna
By mer_lowe
Finally he agreed to learning how to play cribbage because there was nothing else to do. So at one in the morning we played a game, then finally called it a night. Late night on top of a long day of work but both were filled with ...
Thoughts into the Void
Back to School
Then we got ice cream and played Cribbage. I spent Friday eating Qdoba then playing airsoft with Rob and friends. All in all it has been a very boring break and I am looking forward to going to San Francisco.
The Adventures of Adam
blattius @ 2007-04-07T19:51:00 By blattius
I’m staying with a friend who I contacted over the Net, and have been doing very little more than watching TV and boning up on Cribbage. There were snow flurries today. I called my mother back to wish her Happy Easter. ...
The Blattiad
We did it!
By Liv
Dube made some apple pies and played cribbage with Adam, and Dube and I ate some pizza (after having skipped lunch at the museum...oops) and watched Pulp Fiction. It was a great, great day. And as Paul Simon would say, I've got nothin' ...
Quill and Ink
By Karin
We ended up building a fire and playing Wii and cribbage in front of it to keep warm. Then we piled the blankets on our bed, turned on a tiny space heater and went to sleep. In the morning, our room was toasty warm and the rest of the ...
The Continuing Adventures of...
You down with NO TV? Yeah, you know me.
By The Awsum Blog
After being repeatedly pummeled in Cribbage and King's Court, I suggested we play Jenga. I'm pretty sure "jenga" is Amish for "pile of sticks," but I could be wrong. I ended up winning, and coming up with an even better passtime: Use ...
The Awsum Blog
Perfect Cribbage Hand
By tchase

Friday April 6, 2007 I achieved Cribbage perfection. I got a 29 on the second game against my wife. I’ve been playing this game for about 25 years and we play ten to twenty games a week on average and this is the first time I’ve ever ...
Randolph Blue Wave
Post Birthday Report
By Clinton
Pretty light. Went out with the team at work for lunch, and grilled dinner with Calvin (he had burgers). Then we watched TV and I taught him how to play cribbage. Kay was out of town, so we'll have our celebration this weekend.
card games,
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Blogosphere,
king's court,
perfect hand,
Monday, April 2, 2007
Catholics, Cribbage and lazy wives...
Almost there
By Lazy Wife
Later on, Obscure and I played cribbage (I won) while Mr. Sloth played Wii golf next door. Today is going fairly well. I’m in the middle of two books right now. “ Woman first, Family Always” and “Time Management for Catholics”. ...
The Lazy Wife
By Lazy Wife
Later on, Obscure and I played cribbage (I won) while Mr. Sloth played Wii golf next door. Today is going fairly well. I’m in the middle of two books right now. “ Woman first, Family Always” and “Time Management for Catholics”. ...
The Lazy Wife
card games,
crash cribbage,
All things great and pegged...
So I take a few days off updating the crib blog and WOW... it builds up quickly... but here I am back at it again with a whole gaggle of cribbige links to entertain amuse and further inspire you to cribbage hieghts!!!
Happy pegging,
By contadine
Ended up being able to take the day off work after all. Slept in, did a few things around the house, then went for dinner with my parents, youngest brother and his girlfriend. Played a few games of cribbage after dinner. ...
Fat Chick
Rapid Fire Learning - March 2007
By Steve Sherlock
Inside tip, be prepared to play a good game of cribbage! My wife will attest to Phil's card skills/luck. And while they were picking on each others cards, I managed to scoot ahead to victory by the barest of margins. ...
Passion for the Good Customer Experience
a little excitement
By crookedcorners
Once everyone was safe inside to play cribbage or watch “The Price is Right” or eased onto the toilet seat by a helping hand, I wrapped my scarf on real tight and went out to check the underside of our ride. ...
Crooked Corners Online
We're Funny! Here's why.
By bjh
Then we brought the party home for some cribbage. Had another drink. And continued with our obsessive ways. "Betsy, why isn't he calling me?," "I don't know Robin, why isn't he calling me?" Eventually, we moved to more interesting ...
By Ner
I threatened them with learning cribbage, and they said "good luck". Good luck? Come on, it's not as bad as bridge! Talk about a complicated game, Bridge is fun but REALLY complicated. Cribbage is a walk in the park. ...
Ner's Random Musings on a life...
It is not just like riding a bike...well yes it is...if your me.
By Stacy
We spend our free time I assume much like nursing home residents playing a few cribbage games each night. I am just hoping it gets trendy like knitting or other card games... We also eat a lot of strained dinners and Jennifer comes over ...
Stacy's random thoughts and opinions
Vacations Are Heaven
By Ann(Ann)
We played games with our kids - card games, Mancala and cribbage. We did a big floor puzzle of the United States. Paul and I had several basketball games together. He was quite crafty in getting me to play a VERY long game. ...
Crazy for Kids
San Diego –> Arizona –> Minnesota By Brian
I’m ready to play some cribbage with grandpa George. Let’s hope I don’t get skunked! I’d like to put some photos here, but the website isn’t letting me! Go to my recent photos to see pictures of all kinds of beautiful people I’ve been ...
Friday Happy Hour at the Elysian Fields Bar & Grill
By TR Sullivan
Know how to play cribbage? It's big in the Rangers clubhouse. * Mark Teixeira missed time in Spring Training because of a strained knee, but said, "There are always challenges in Spring Training. There's always something going on and ...
Postcards from Elysian Fields
Long evenings with the US advisers: Phan Thiet: Vietnam
By vnrozier(vnrozier)
In the Bahamas on Golding Cay, Green Slave Station which was off Andros, I used to play endless hours of cribbage. There was a little poker from time to time with visiting Americans but although I liked the game I always avoided high ...
Vietnam, Photos and Notes of...
2003 Di Majo Norante Contado
By Joe(Joe)
I should have decanted this wine, the Contado should improve with some more bottle time. It was an excellent match for a game of cribbage and lightly salted pretzels. 13.5% alcohol. Score: 16/20 Cost: C$18 (LCBO). Great Value! ...
Joe's Wine
Crayfish and Cribbage
By Her on the Hill(Her on the Hill)
throwing a particularly huge and angry crayfish onto a table of men quietly engaged in a game of cribbage. Apparently they all recoiled in horror as this thing skidded across the table, scattering cards, pegs and beer, and snapping ...
View from the High Peak
Playing in the craft room
By Debbie(Debbie)
Tony, my adorable son, is holding the Dirty Dog score book. He put lots of cute doggie stuff on his book. Kellie, the cutie pie on the right, is holding the Cribbage book. We used the miniature cards to make a perfect 29 cribbage hand. ...
Welcome to the Shoe Closet
March 22, 2007
By Popo(Popo)
There was also lots of knitting and games of cribbage – no visit to Florida is complete without cards. All the while, Grandma showered me with tips that she’s learned along the way. She told me about how she packs for a trip the week ...
The Bottom of the World and Beyond!
The house that salmon built - Portland,ME,USA
Members of the Veazie Salmon Club meet mornings to play cribbage and talk about the good old days of salmon fishing. From left are Dick Ruhlin, Phil Church, ...
See all stories on this topic
Re: HP HALL OF FAME what if?
Well here are my nominees and their category: Most one-liners: Spanky McFarlane Cribbage Board King: Henry "Deal 'Em" Black Best Party Host: Tied between Bobby & Gary Leonard Biggest Penny Pincher: Big ‘Un from TP for all the F...
NukeWorker Forum
Thank You
By Phaedrous
I am sitting in my bedroom as I write this after soundly thumping my daughter in cribbage (skunked her the last game, tho she claims she let me win because it's my BD - haw). I spent the day being a parent and indulging myself in some ...
Lightning Strikes Twice
Happy pegging,
By contadine
Ended up being able to take the day off work after all. Slept in, did a few things around the house, then went for dinner with my parents, youngest brother and his girlfriend. Played a few games of cribbage after dinner. ...
Fat Chick
Rapid Fire Learning - March 2007
By Steve Sherlock
Inside tip, be prepared to play a good game of cribbage! My wife will attest to Phil's card skills/luck. And while they were picking on each others cards, I managed to scoot ahead to victory by the barest of margins. ...
Passion for the Good Customer Experience
a little excitement
By crookedcorners
Once everyone was safe inside to play cribbage or watch “The Price is Right” or eased onto the toilet seat by a helping hand, I wrapped my scarf on real tight and went out to check the underside of our ride. ...
Crooked Corners Online
We're Funny! Here's why.
By bjh
Then we brought the party home for some cribbage. Had another drink. And continued with our obsessive ways. "Betsy, why isn't he calling me?," "I don't know Robin, why isn't he calling me?" Eventually, we moved to more interesting ...
By Ner
I threatened them with learning cribbage, and they said "good luck". Good luck? Come on, it's not as bad as bridge! Talk about a complicated game, Bridge is fun but REALLY complicated. Cribbage is a walk in the park. ...
Ner's Random Musings on a life...
It is not just like riding a bike...well yes it is...if your me.
By Stacy
We spend our free time I assume much like nursing home residents playing a few cribbage games each night. I am just hoping it gets trendy like knitting or other card games... We also eat a lot of strained dinners and Jennifer comes over ...
Stacy's random thoughts and opinions
Vacations Are Heaven
By Ann(Ann)
We played games with our kids - card games, Mancala and cribbage. We did a big floor puzzle of the United States. Paul and I had several basketball games together. He was quite crafty in getting me to play a VERY long game. ...
Crazy for Kids
San Diego –> Arizona –> Minnesota By Brian
I’m ready to play some cribbage with grandpa George. Let’s hope I don’t get skunked! I’d like to put some photos here, but the website isn’t letting me! Go to my recent photos to see pictures of all kinds of beautiful people I’ve been ...
Friday Happy Hour at the Elysian Fields Bar & Grill
By TR Sullivan
Know how to play cribbage? It's big in the Rangers clubhouse. * Mark Teixeira missed time in Spring Training because of a strained knee, but said, "There are always challenges in Spring Training. There's always something going on and ...
Postcards from Elysian Fields
Long evenings with the US advisers: Phan Thiet: Vietnam
By vnrozier(vnrozier)
In the Bahamas on Golding Cay, Green Slave Station which was off Andros, I used to play endless hours of cribbage. There was a little poker from time to time with visiting Americans but although I liked the game I always avoided high ...
Vietnam, Photos and Notes of...
2003 Di Majo Norante Contado
By Joe(Joe)
I should have decanted this wine, the Contado should improve with some more bottle time. It was an excellent match for a game of cribbage and lightly salted pretzels. 13.5% alcohol. Score: 16/20 Cost: C$18 (LCBO). Great Value! ...
Joe's Wine
Crayfish and Cribbage
By Her on the Hill(Her on the Hill)
throwing a particularly huge and angry crayfish onto a table of men quietly engaged in a game of cribbage. Apparently they all recoiled in horror as this thing skidded across the table, scattering cards, pegs and beer, and snapping ...
View from the High Peak
Playing in the craft room
By Debbie(Debbie)
Tony, my adorable son, is holding the Dirty Dog score book. He put lots of cute doggie stuff on his book. Kellie, the cutie pie on the right, is holding the Cribbage book. We used the miniature cards to make a perfect 29 cribbage hand. ...
Welcome to the Shoe Closet
March 22, 2007
By Popo(Popo)
There was also lots of knitting and games of cribbage – no visit to Florida is complete without cards. All the while, Grandma showered me with tips that she’s learned along the way. She told me about how she packs for a trip the week ...
The Bottom of the World and Beyond!
The house that salmon built - Portland,ME,USA
Members of the Veazie Salmon Club meet mornings to play cribbage and talk about the good old days of salmon fishing. From left are Dick Ruhlin, Phil Church, ...
See all stories on this topic
Re: HP HALL OF FAME what if?
Well here are my nominees and their category: Most one-liners: Spanky McFarlane Cribbage Board King: Henry "Deal 'Em" Black Best Party Host: Tied between Bobby & Gary Leonard Biggest Penny Pincher: Big ‘Un from TP for all the F...
NukeWorker Forum
Thank You
By Phaedrous
I am sitting in my bedroom as I write this after soundly thumping my daughter in cribbage (skunked her the last game, tho she claims she let me win because it's my BD - haw). I spent the day being a parent and indulging myself in some ...
Lightning Strikes Twice
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