By KELLY BOTHUM, The News Journal
The average adult human brain weighs about 3 pounds. When compared with our jiggly abs, thighs and arms, it's usually not the first body part we think of to exercise.
But that's exactly what we should be doing, say a growing number of researchers and health professionals who study brain health. These experts believe that by exercising our mind daily, we can slow the development of age-related memory problems and even more serious conditions such as dementia.
And here are some tips:
• Learn a hobby. Don't use getting older as an excuse for not trying a new activity. It's good for your brain to take on new challenges, said Lynn Grattan, director of the Neuropsychological Diagnostic and Research Laboratory at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, in Baltimore.
• Keep a list or calendar of your activities. This helps you stay organized, allowing your brain to work more efficiently.
• Put important items in the same place each time you use them. This includes your keys and other often lost items.
• Play games. Puzzles, word games and brain teasers are good ways to keep your mind engaged.
• Exercise. Studies show people who keep active have fewer memory problems than those who don't.
• Meet new people. Conversations with different people can recharge your mental batteries and give you something to think about.
• Think positively. Grattan said it helps the brain to function more efficiently. Honest.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Marge Simpson plays in cribbage tournament...

"Starting at the bank in Phillips, Marge had her photo taken along the way as far as Newton, Mass. During this trip, Marge, according to Davenport, had a massage and played in cribbage tournament among other things -- sending Saviello post cards every day. We didn’t realize that “Springfield” was part of Rep. Saviello’s constituency. We’ll have amend that next time we run one of his columns."
Full story
Holdingford man carves artwork into cribbage boards...
From the St. CLoud Citizen Times:
"Kollodge takes clear pieces of acrylic, carves decorative designs into it and then paints the designs. The results are stunning three-dimensional flowers and decorative designs that rest beneath mostly cribbage boards, though he has recently completed an Easter piece for display."
Full story
"Kollodge takes clear pieces of acrylic, carves decorative designs into it and then paints the designs. The results are stunning three-dimensional flowers and decorative designs that rest beneath mostly cribbage boards, though he has recently completed an Easter piece for display."
Full story
Monday, March 26, 2007
Chasing the cribbage dream...
From blatius:
"It turns out that there is an American Cribbage Congress (I always thought that the governing body of Cribbage tournaments should be called the Cribbage Board) – and I’ve been on their website before to find that there are no Cribbage clubs anywhere in Oklahoma. As it turns out, there is one in Dallas that holds tournaments each Wednesday evening – but there was nothing else scheduled in the area. But, I called the guy running the club just to see what was up in the area. He was a great guy, who makes Cribbage boards (I intend to buy one), and it turns out that in April, the Saturday before my birthday, they are hosting a tournament that is part of the National ACC tournament. You have to be a member to play – but memberships are only 10.00 a year. For 35.00, you get the cost of membership (which gets a member number as well as subscription to their magazine), cost for the tournament, as well as putting into the pot for a number of winnings for the evening (first 29 score in hand, highest skunk points, and others)."
Full post
"It turns out that there is an American Cribbage Congress (I always thought that the governing body of Cribbage tournaments should be called the Cribbage Board) – and I’ve been on their website before to find that there are no Cribbage clubs anywhere in Oklahoma. As it turns out, there is one in Dallas that holds tournaments each Wednesday evening – but there was nothing else scheduled in the area. But, I called the guy running the club just to see what was up in the area. He was a great guy, who makes Cribbage boards (I intend to buy one), and it turns out that in April, the Saturday before my birthday, they are hosting a tournament that is part of the National ACC tournament. You have to be a member to play – but memberships are only 10.00 a year. For 35.00, you get the cost of membership (which gets a member number as well as subscription to their magazine), cost for the tournament, as well as putting into the pot for a number of winnings for the evening (first 29 score in hand, highest skunk points, and others)."
Full post
More pub hubbub...
From maxmonvt:
"Today, Mitch, Max and I drove to Brandon, a small town about an hour south of here. Mitch dropped his cell phone at a gig there last night, and the person who found it brought the phone to the police station there. The town is all little boutiques and galleries, with an independent bookstore and the McDonald's is so small it's attached to a gas station. We had lunch at a tiny pub that used to be a grist mill. It sits over a rushing stream, and every table had some sort of game on it... cribbage, dominos, chess, backgammon. Max was enchanted by a basket of toys under the dartboard. It couldn't have been more different than the Cheesecake Factory."
Full post
"Today, Mitch, Max and I drove to Brandon, a small town about an hour south of here. Mitch dropped his cell phone at a gig there last night, and the person who found it brought the phone to the police station there. The town is all little boutiques and galleries, with an independent bookstore and the McDonald's is so small it's attached to a gas station. We had lunch at a tiny pub that used to be a grist mill. It sits over a rushing stream, and every table had some sort of game on it... cribbage, dominos, chess, backgammon. Max was enchanted by a basket of toys under the dartboard. It couldn't have been more different than the Cheesecake Factory."
Full post
Kids on cribbage = future cribbaholics...
NORTH ATTLEBORO - You can easily peg a small group of Community School students as hooked on the game of cribbage.
A group of about 20 students- all fourth- and fifth-graders- are satisfying a craze for cribbage by participating in the school's first-ever cribbage club. The students meet once a week after school for an hour of cards and healthy snacks.
"You get really hooked on it," said 9-year-old Allison Hayes. "All of my friends who don't know how to play think it's going to be boring, but it's not - it's really fun. I love math so this is really fun for me."
Full Story
A group of about 20 students- all fourth- and fifth-graders- are satisfying a craze for cribbage by participating in the school's first-ever cribbage club. The students meet once a week after school for an hour of cards and healthy snacks.
"You get really hooked on it," said 9-year-old Allison Hayes. "All of my friends who don't know how to play think it's going to be boring, but it's not - it's really fun. I love math so this is really fun for me."
Full Story
Cribbage in the Dog and Bone pub...
From Jame Wilmore
"Since taking on the Dog and Bone in Lincoln, tenants Alex Rutherford-Doak and his partner Eve Quinn have reversed the pub’s fortunes, persuading owner Batemans to retain it in its estate.
The pair have made the pub the hub of the community and introduced activities such as a book exchange, poetry and cribbage nights, and the pub’s own darts team."
Full Story
"Since taking on the Dog and Bone in Lincoln, tenants Alex Rutherford-Doak and his partner Eve Quinn have reversed the pub’s fortunes, persuading owner Batemans to retain it in its estate.
The pair have made the pub the hub of the community and introduced activities such as a book exchange, poetry and cribbage nights, and the pub’s own darts team."
Full Story
Picking up the pieces - deer antlers that is!
From Micah Hanson:
Picking up the pieces - deer antlers that is!
"So what does one do with shed antlers? Peruse any reputable sporting goods catalog and you'll see the likes of lamps, chandeliers, knife handles, and cribbage boards. At the antler-collecting rate at which I'm progressing, it may be my great-great grandchildren who would be able to craft such items from antlers I've found."
Full Story
Picking up the pieces - deer antlers that is!
"So what does one do with shed antlers? Peruse any reputable sporting goods catalog and you'll see the likes of lamps, chandeliers, knife handles, and cribbage boards. At the antler-collecting rate at which I'm progressing, it may be my great-great grandchildren who would be able to craft such items from antlers I've found."
Full Story
Friday, March 23, 2007
War hero, WWII POW, Cribbage player...
"Milton was born on May 9, 1924, in Hortonville, son of Frederick and Barbara (Poehlman) Warning. He graduated from Hortonville High School in May of 1942. He joined the United States Army on November 9, 1942, at Fort Sheridan, Illinois, and served as a Corporal until his honorable discharge in 1945. Milt was assigned to the 9th Division, 52nd Armored Infantry Battalion and served in the European theater, captured in the Battle of the Bulge, and was a Prisoner of War until liberated in April 1945... He loved to hunt and fish, play cribbage and bridge, picking strawberries and raspberries to share..."
Full story
Full story
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Cribbage night wrap-up...
Last night was the second meeting of the Imperial Beach Cribbage Group and it was a great time. Barbara and I were the only attendees, but that's all you really need to play some cribbage anyway. We actually played Crash Cribbage and I took my revenge for her beating me last month. It was very close on the last game with me winning by only one point. I like it when that happens cause it keeps you on edge until the end. :o)
Anyway, the date for the next cribbage meetup will be announce shortly and we'd be happy to have more people join us! Until then, keep pegging!
Anyway, the date for the next cribbage meetup will be announce shortly and we'd be happy to have more people join us! Until then, keep pegging!
card games,
crash cribbage,
imperial beach,
From the “Yeah, and so…” file
From "The Daily Score"
"121 - The total number of points to win at Cribbage. Cribbage is a bit of a Schwister tradition. Good game. Highly recommend."
Full Story
and now this...
From "An Insiders View of Life"
Pork Chops, Cribbage and Scrabble
"The Porkchop and I went shopping for packing supplies this weekend (and cat food), and somehow came home with three new games. :)
Travel Scrabble (for the train!), Cribbage (his sisters play, we are all going on vacation this summer together, I must learn) and Scene It Squabble (we haven't even opened this one yet.. waiting for the people to come over, lol)."
Full Story
"121 - The total number of points to win at Cribbage. Cribbage is a bit of a Schwister tradition. Good game. Highly recommend."
Full Story
and now this...
From "An Insiders View of Life"
Pork Chops, Cribbage and Scrabble
"The Porkchop and I went shopping for packing supplies this weekend (and cat food), and somehow came home with three new games. :)
Travel Scrabble (for the train!), Cribbage (his sisters play, we are all going on vacation this summer together, I must learn) and Scene It Squabble (we haven't even opened this one yet.. waiting for the people to come over, lol)."
Full Story
Cribbage and Cancun...
From: "CERisE's Testing for L"
"The flight, for the most part, was uneventful. We played some cribbage. I drank ginger ale and read Roald Dahl's "Boy". They played Dreamgirls on the flight over -- a reasonably entertaining movie. zweeb spent most of the time trying to catch flies. I was *really* tempted to toss things into his gaping maw."
Full Story
"The flight, for the most part, was uneventful. We played some cribbage. I drank ginger ale and read Roald Dahl's "Boy". They played Dreamgirls on the flight over -- a reasonably entertaining movie. zweeb spent most of the time trying to catch flies. I was *really* tempted to toss things into his gaping maw."
Full Story
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Plenty of cribbage time ...
From Vermont:
"Tomorrow, as we grouse about the return of cold weather, he'll be watching his beloved Red Sox play the Pirates, and so on and so forth.
But lest we think this retired educator is a one-dimensional man, he has arranged for plenty of cribbage time between games with Moe Wyman of Randolph, whom he call's his "summertime cribbage 'mentor'.""
Full Story
"Tomorrow, as we grouse about the return of cold weather, he'll be watching his beloved Red Sox play the Pirates, and so on and so forth.
But lest we think this retired educator is a one-dimensional man, he has arranged for plenty of cribbage time between games with Moe Wyman of Randolph, whom he call's his "summertime cribbage 'mentor'.""
Full Story
Cribbage Meetup tonight at Imperial Beach Coffee and Books...
That's right! Bring your cards and favorite board and we'll play some cribbage! For all the details you can go to and type in "cribbage meetup Imperial Beach" Or just come to Imperial Beach Coffee and Books on Seacoast Drive tonight about 6 pm. I'll be there along with other cribbage lovers. And yes, you will be able to try out Crash Cribbage if you want!!!
See you there!
See you there!
Crib ice is nice....
From Dover New Hampshire:
"I flipped a five gallon bucket upside down, laid a piece of plywood on top of it and pulled a cribbage board from my pack. Then after we set up our chairs, poured a cup of coffee and hung our coats up, we settled in for a game of cards while we waited for a bite."
Full Story
"I flipped a five gallon bucket upside down, laid a piece of plywood on top of it and pulled a cribbage board from my pack. Then after we set up our chairs, poured a cup of coffee and hung our coats up, we settled in for a game of cards while we waited for a bite."
Full Story
Monday, March 19, 2007
Cribbage is for children too...
"While some people chose to eat corned beef and cabbage Saturday, 48 Chico students celebrated St. Patrick's Day with cribbage.
Saturday marked the first youth cribbage tournament in Chico for pupils of Citrus Elementary. The tournament was split into two age categories and included some students from area junior high schools who have been playing since the class was first taught at Citrus Elementary four years ago."
Full story
Saturday marked the first youth cribbage tournament in Chico for pupils of Citrus Elementary. The tournament was split into two age categories and included some students from area junior high schools who have been playing since the class was first taught at Citrus Elementary four years ago."
Full story
New ways to play cribbage...
"Cribbage is a fun card game. Crib was normally played on a board that had pegs. Scoring was a pain to keep up with. It’s a lot better now, since the age of the internet. Now you can play online against other players. Best part of all, the computer keeps up with all the scoring. So it’s makes it so much more relaxing to play."
Full post
Full post
Hiking and cribbage? Sounds like my kind of vacation!
"I was shown to my private cabin, and I stepped out of the hot shower -- heavenly! -- just in time to hear the triangular dinner bell ring. Built in 1934, the main lodge had that smell of mustiness and ancient pine that brought back vivid memories of Sierra fishing cabins from my youth. Next to the big stone hearth was a cabinet full of games -- checkers, cribbage, Yahtzee -- plus an old guitar and a coffee table inlaid with rattlesnake skin. Antlers festooned the walls."
Full story
Full story
The woman from away....
Here is a great little short story that I stumbled across, and not just because it mentions cribbage. Take a minute to read it and enjoy...
"...He could light a match using his thumbnail, an ability we very much admired and, to his delight, were always trying to imitate. He taught us all how to play cribbage and dominoes, shear a sheep, harness a horse and fish for eels. He told us stories of great ship wrecks and the young men taken by the sea, stories of being a merchant seaman in his younger days, stories of finding sin and redemption in the same ports, stories of the revenue man and his endless search for Bill's well hidden and well protected whiskey stills. From his front porch rocking chair, he taught us sea songs his grandfather had taught him......"
Full story
"...He could light a match using his thumbnail, an ability we very much admired and, to his delight, were always trying to imitate. He taught us all how to play cribbage and dominoes, shear a sheep, harness a horse and fish for eels. He told us stories of great ship wrecks and the young men taken by the sea, stories of being a merchant seaman in his younger days, stories of finding sin and redemption in the same ports, stories of the revenue man and his endless search for Bill's well hidden and well protected whiskey stills. From his front porch rocking chair, he taught us sea songs his grandfather had taught him......"
Full story
Chandler's greatest opponent...
Cribbage spans the generational gap!
From Chandler:
My Greatest Opponent
Yesterday, at the family farm I visited my grandfather, and as usual we played some cribbage. He's definitely slowed down (he is 86 afterall), but he's still awesome. I've still never played anyone better. In our first game I got a 15+ point lead with less than 30 points to go, and won 121-120. Best game I've seen in awhile. Then in game two, he kicked my ass. After the second game he had some farm chores to get to, so we decided that ending in a 1-1 split was probably the best way to end it anyway. My grandfather has arthritis so bad that he can't shuffle, and sometimes even struggles to cut the deck, but I've got to tip my hat to him. He's still the best cribbage player I've ever encountered.
Full entry
From Chandler:
My Greatest Opponent
Yesterday, at the family farm I visited my grandfather, and as usual we played some cribbage. He's definitely slowed down (he is 86 afterall), but he's still awesome. I've still never played anyone better. In our first game I got a 15+ point lead with less than 30 points to go, and won 121-120. Best game I've seen in awhile. Then in game two, he kicked my ass. After the second game he had some farm chores to get to, so we decided that ending in a 1-1 split was probably the best way to end it anyway. My grandfather has arthritis so bad that he can't shuffle, and sometimes even struggles to cut the deck, but I've got to tip my hat to him. He's still the best cribbage player I've ever encountered.
Full entry
Cribbage leads to long life!
Here's a woman who lived to be a hundred because she loved to play cribbage... or maybe it was the apricot brandy that did it? Hmmm...
"…favorite pastime was cards sheepshead, pinochle, canasta, cribbage, rummy and poker. It was a family joke that Grandma would have a small amount of apricot brandy when she was cooking a meal, maybe one with the dinner and then, if appropriate, a bit of the apricot brandy poured over the dessert…”
Full story
"…favorite pastime was cards sheepshead, pinochle, canasta, cribbage, rummy and poker. It was a family joke that Grandma would have a small amount of apricot brandy when she was cooking a meal, maybe one with the dinner and then, if appropriate, a bit of the apricot brandy poured over the dessert…”
Full story
Friday, March 16, 2007
In memory of a cribbage player…
From the Lawrence MA Eagle Tribune:
Man killed on I-495 probably walking to Lowell
[Robert Paquin, 63, was killed trying to cross I-495 March 14. Paquin's] neighbor Joyce Hatfield played cribbage with him several times a week, and was always amazed at how good he was at the game. His brain injury apparently didn't hamper his ability to count, she said.
"He could whip me," she said. "We'd play 15 games. I might win one."
Full story
Man killed on I-495 probably walking to Lowell
[Robert Paquin, 63, was killed trying to cross I-495 March 14. Paquin's] neighbor Joyce Hatfield played cribbage with him several times a week, and was always amazed at how good he was at the game. His brain injury apparently didn't hamper his ability to count, she said.
"He could whip me," she said. "We'd play 15 games. I might win one."
Full story
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Minnesota peggers...
Wow! A cribbage tournament, blind curling, and sleigh rides?! How much fun can you have in Minnesota!!!
Nestor Falls winter carnival lives up to advance billing
March 07, 2007
Heather Ogilvie
Staff writer
Not only was the 25th-annual Nestor Falls Winter Carnival bigger and better, it went off without a hitch this past weekend with lots of activities, tons of prizes, and favourable weather.
“It was an exhausting weekend,” admitted Howard Dodd, who worked on promotions for the carnival. “But I’m very pleased with how it went. You never know what’s going to happen, but it was a big success.”
Beginning Friday evening, the weekend got off to a great start with the “Some Like it Hot” chili cook-off and “A Toonie for a Tune” karaoke contest.
Saturday continued with the popular ice-fishing tournament, a scavenger hunt, children’s games, a poker derby, and dance.
There also was a cribbage tournament, blind curling, and sleigh rides.
Read on:
Nestor Falls winter carnival lives up to advance billing
March 07, 2007
Heather Ogilvie
Staff writer
Not only was the 25th-annual Nestor Falls Winter Carnival bigger and better, it went off without a hitch this past weekend with lots of activities, tons of prizes, and favourable weather.
“It was an exhausting weekend,” admitted Howard Dodd, who worked on promotions for the carnival. “But I’m very pleased with how it went. You never know what’s going to happen, but it was a big success.”
Beginning Friday evening, the weekend got off to a great start with the “Some Like it Hot” chili cook-off and “A Toonie for a Tune” karaoke contest.
Saturday continued with the popular ice-fishing tournament, a scavenger hunt, children’s games, a poker derby, and dance.
There also was a cribbage tournament, blind curling, and sleigh rides.
Read on:
Cribbage gambling legal in Colorado
If you are constantly worried that your weekly cribbage gathering where you play for a penny-a-point may get you arrested, now you can rest easy - if you live in Colorado. Read on...
"Social gambling" -- Thursday night poker, penny-a-point cribbage -- is legal. According to the Colorado attorney general’s office, an NCAA office pool is "social gambling" if the participants have a "bona fide social relationship." All the money wagered has to be paid out in prizes. There can’t be any profit to the organizer. Nobody can take a cut of the action for running the pool.
Full story
"Social gambling" -- Thursday night poker, penny-a-point cribbage -- is legal. According to the Colorado attorney general’s office, an NCAA office pool is "social gambling" if the participants have a "bona fide social relationship." All the money wagered has to be paid out in prizes. There can’t be any profit to the organizer. Nobody can take a cut of the action for running the pool.
Full story
card games,
office pools
Titanic Cribbage board!
I've seen a lot of interesting cribbage boards in my life but this is pretty neat! Cribbage board made from the wreckage of the Titanic! Check it out at "Marti's Little Workshop"
"This exhibit I thought was super interesting. Some people involved in the recovery would take items that they found, such as table legs or other wooden objects and then make something else out of them, such as a rolling pin or a cribbage board. They would then keep these retooled items as keepsakes or rememberances and hand them down for generations. Very interesting."
See the full post
"This exhibit I thought was super interesting. Some people involved in the recovery would take items that they found, such as table legs or other wooden objects and then make something else out of them, such as a rolling pin or a cribbage board. They would then keep these retooled items as keepsakes or rememberances and hand them down for generations. Very interesting."
See the full post
crash cribbage,
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Cribbage as a hedge against power outages...
Author: Stormmee
Date: Mar 12, 2007 13:23
"For same reason I hang onto a Scrabble game and about 3 cribbage
boards. Nice when the power is off and you're desperate to while away the
hours of daylight." Full post
Author: Stormmee
Date: Mar 12, 2007 13:23
"For same reason I hang onto a Scrabble game and about 3 cribbage
boards. Nice when the power is off and you're desperate to while away the
hours of daylight." Full post
Cribbage and wine....
Another Cribbaholic identified! Read on...
The Napa Valley Marathon
By goofygigglygirl
...and played a lot of Cribbage. Napa is close to Sacramento. Erica was home for spring break so she was able to meet us for lunch with her mom . It was wonderful to see my Maid of Honor =); The marathon course was great! ...
goofy giggly girl
The Napa Valley Marathon
By goofygigglygirl
...and played a lot of Cribbage. Napa is close to Sacramento. Erica was home for spring break so she was able to meet us for lunch with her mom . It was wonderful to see my Maid of Honor =); The marathon course was great! ...
goofy giggly girl
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
King's Cribbage
Well, I played King's Cribbage for the first time yesterday. They have a new online version and it is pretty fun, I'll have to admit. If you haven't tried it yet I recommend it... that is, when you can tear yourself away from playing Crash Cribbage. :o)
Actually, I really want to make an electronic version of Crash Cribbage but have not found a software designer that can do it yet. Maybe I'll talk to the people at Kings' and see who they used.
Actually, I really want to make an electronic version of Crash Cribbage but have not found a software designer that can do it yet. Maybe I'll talk to the people at Kings' and see who they used.
Fishing or pegging...
For you cribbage lovers that like to also fish, check out this story about ice fishing. It sounds fun, but it seems like the cribbage was interupted quite a bit for the pesky trout.
Cool antler cribbage boards...

Was browsing around the Web and found some cool antler cribbage boards made in Alaska! I know collectors love this kind of thing. If you know of other very unique boards please let me know.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
First Meetup was great...
Well, the very first Imperial Beach Cribbage meetup took place last week. It was great for the two of us that showed up. There was myself and a lady named Barbara in attendance. We played Crash Cribbage.
I guess I should be slightly embarrassed that Barbara beat me pretty soundly at the game that I invented. But on the other hand, I had a great time and hopefully we will get some more people to come in March. Crash Cribbage is even better with 3 or 4 players.
If you are interested in playing just watch here for the next scheduled meetup or goto and sign up.
I guess I should be slightly embarrassed that Barbara beat me pretty soundly at the game that I invented. But on the other hand, I had a great time and hopefully we will get some more people to come in March. Crash Cribbage is even better with 3 or 4 players.
If you are interested in playing just watch here for the next scheduled meetup or goto and sign up.
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