
Thursday, April 24, 2008

The perfect hand...

From Bugle Observer:

"It took 50 years, and thousands of hands of cards, but avid Cribbage player Evelyn Carten of Hartland recently made her first 29 - the highest point total you can get in the popular game.

Avid Cribbage player Evelyn Carten of Hartland, who has been enjoying the sport for 50 years, recently made her first 29 - the highest point total you can get in the popular game.

The dream hand occurred, ironically, on March 29 at her home in Hartland.

Carten, 73, started playing Cribbage in 1958 when she 23 years old.

Since then, she has spent countless hours at the table, with no success in getting the elusive hand.

She was enjoying a friendly game of the popular sport three weeks ago when the inevitable occurred.

"I couldn't believe it myself, but there it was - four 5s, and the 5 of Clubs matched (my) Jack of Clubs," she said. "I was joking earlier that evening that this might be my night to get a 29, but I was more interested in getting my peg past the skunk line than hitting a 29. When it happened, I couldn't believe it. My neighbour, Kevin McDougall, cut the cards on my deal, so I guess it was fate."

Carten said she enjoys playing Cribbage several days a week, mostly for recreation or quality time with family and friends.

"I really love playing Crib," she said. "Maybe it was my time to (finally) get a 29.""

Full article here

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