
Sunday, November 23, 2008

History of cards...

From The Guardian:

Photo: The Cheat with the Ace of Diamonds, by Georges de la Tour (1635). Photograph: Corbis

Leaders of the pack: A short history of cards
Who would have thought the humble deck of cards was once a luxury only the aristocracy could afford?
By Andy Bodle

For a symbol of international harmony and cross-cultural cooperation, look no further than the nearest pack of cards. Playing cards in their present form are the result of ideas and refinements from at least eight countries and four continents over the course of 1,200 years.

The concept, and the technology to make the paper they are printed on, probably originated in China around the end of the first millennium. During the Tang dynasty of the 9th century AD, a Princess Tongchang is said to have played the "leaf game". This was probably a paper form of dominoes rather than true cards, but 100 years later Emperor Mu- Tsung is recorded as shuffling and dealing the real thing.

Cards did not arrive in Europe until the mid-14th century, either in Islamic Spain or as the result of trade between the Mamluks of Egypt and Italy. By this time they were already in something like their current form, so it's reasonable to assume that the basic mechanics of cards - the four-suit system, royalty, and perhaps the concept of taking tricks - were established either in India or the Middle East.

In the first years after their arrival, cards were illustrated by hand, and as such were a luxury only the aristocracy could afford. But such was the demand for packs that cheaper methods of production were called for, and by the early 15th century the Germans had mastered printing with wood blocks. With the hardware easily obtainable, cards became popular among people of all classes.

The earliest packs consisted of four suits - cups, swords, coins and polo sticks - and there were no female faces in the game, the royalty consisting of a king and two viceroys. It was mid-15th-century France, where card fever really took hold, that invented the suits and court cards that most countries use today.

Britain was something of a latecomer to the game - the first recorded mention of cards is in a statute prohibiting their importation in 1463. But here too the law failed to contain the new craze, and by 1629 British card manufacturers had their own union.

By 1534, the French writer Rabelais could name 35 different card games. The games played today are the descendants of diversions invented by the Spanish (bezique), the Italians (primero, which evolved into ecarte, trump and, ultimately, whist), the Brits (cribbage), Uruguayans (canasta) and even the Amish (euchre).

The New World made several other contributions. The pilgrims were manufacturing their own decks within decades of arriving, and it was American devotees who gave us rounded edges, the joker card (originally a special card in the game called euchre), the process of lamination, and dozens of games including poker, pinochle and bridge.

Hands of time: pivotal moments in the evolution of cards


Cards are invented in China, during the Tang dynasty. The first suits are in fact increasing denominations of currency (coins, strings of coins, myriads of strings, and tens of myriads), which suggests they may have been derived from actual money. Alternative theories say they may have been a paper adaptation of dominoes, or dice.

Early 14th century

Probable first arrival of cards in Europe, in Italy. They have travelled from China via India and the Middle East, and specifically with the Mamluks of Egypt.


First documentary evidence of cards in Spain; in a Catalan rhyming dictionary, of all places.


First detailed description of playing cards in Europe, by a Swiss monk named John of Rheinfelden.


Suddenly, they're everywhere - mentions of cards crop up as far afield as Florence, Basle, Regensburg, Brabant, Paris and Barcelona.


Charles or Charbot Poupart, the treasurer of the household of Charles VI of France, records payment for the painting of three sets of cards.


Johann Gutenberg invents the movable-type press. Improvements in printing technology mean that cards can now be mass-produced.


Earliest reference to cards in Britain. This and most of the mentions thereafter are bannings, fulminations against the evils of gambling, or notices of arrest for so doing.


The four suits now commonly seen worldwide are first used in France, adapted from the German suits of hearts, bells, leaves, and acorns.

Late 1400s

The ace, or one, which had always had the lowest value in cards, starts to gain a special significance. Ace becomes high.

Early 1500s

Card-makers at Rouen hit upon the distinctive card illustrations that we still use today.


First mention of the game of triomphe in Spain. Now obsolete, the game spawned many games such as euchre, whist and bridge.


Publication of Charles Cotton's Compleat Gamester, one of the first attempts to lay down authoritative rules for many card and dice games.


The first paper money is issued in North America - as IOUs on the backs of used playing cards - by Jacques de Meulles, the French governor of Quebec.


First systematic tax on packs of cards introduced.


Publication of Edmund Hoyle's Short Treatise on the Game of Whist. The pamphlet goes through several editions and becomes one of the bestselling publications of the 18th century.


Post-revolutionary French authorities ban the depictions of royalty on playing cards. Kings, queens and jacks became liberties, equalities and fraternities. This stands for 12 years until Napoleon comes to power and tells them not to be so silly.


First documented game of poker on a Mississippi river steamer. The game, a refinement of the Persian game "as nas", takes its name from a similar French game, "poque".


Card names abbreviated and placed in the corner for the first time. Partly for this reason, the "knave" (whose abbreviation is the same as for "king") now becomes the "jack".


First appearance of the joker.


Bezique is introduced to England. The rules, as published, are unclear; panic in the streets.

Early 20th century

Canasta is invented in South America. It becomes globally popular after WW2.


In a New York club, ET Baker invents gin rummy. It catches on in Hollywood, and subsequently the world, in the 1940s.


Pontoon is the game of choice among soldiers in first world war trenches.


Harold Stirling Vanderbilt, on a cruise from San Francisco to Havana, perfects the rules of contract bridge, which becomes the most popular card game in the west.


Card manufacturers attempt to introduce a fifth suit (not black, not red, but green) called the "eagles" in the US and "crowns" in the UK. It is a dismal failure.

Original article

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