
Saturday, December 6, 2008

One in 36 million: cribbage player...

From one in 36 million:

"...there was this mystery game. It had a board, and pegs you moved, but no dice; a card game board game! Nana and Grandad played it avidly, and Mom and Dad joined in. They called it “Crib,” short for Cribbage.

I don’t remember how old I was when Grandad figured Tasha and I were old enough to learn how to play. Addition, I think, was still relatively new to me. I can remember not being sure what seven plus five was. Tasha soon lost interest, as she always did with card games, and turned on the television. I still remember that, as I was distracted, and Grandad firmly said, “Are you playing cards, or are you watching TV? You can’t do both.” At the time it sounded horribly strict, but I focused. Cards. Seven and eight add up to fifteen. So do nine and six. A double run of three is three plus three plus a pair makes eight – can you count fifteens in there? My brain struggled with this, and couldn’t quite add quickly enough. Yet..."

Full post here.

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