From oscar1whiskey:
"Re: ruination of pubs
Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 3:11 am
Would it be allowed, nowadays in UK, to open a "PUBLIC HOUSE" where beer ( no lager) is served, smoking is allowed, children are banned, there are no gaming nor games machines, just darts or dominoes and cribbage, and women have their own area? I've found loads like that in France and Belgium, and pubs in Germany where the bar is full of men and their dogs,but none here that aren't full of chavs shouting at some televised football match. where did we go wrong? Fight for this country? wonder why I bothered, sometimes. "
Original post
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Maine cribbage playing musician...

From Maine Jud Caswell:
"Jud Caswell lives where the two Maines meet: where ex-hippies play cribbage with fishermen and a kind of rural poetry is salted with Yankee gumption. He grew up on a little farm in Morrill, Maine, picking carrots and milking goats; listening to records by Cat Stevens and the Beatles, reading Mark Twain and Kahlil Gibran. A multi-instrumentalist from an early age, he wandered through jazz bands, orchestras and medieval ensembles before finding his home on the acoustic guitar.
Heralded by Sing Out! magazine as "one of the leading singer-songwriters on the current scene," Jud has won eight nationally recognized songwriting contests."
Full post
Grandma Burton: Pegged Out...

From The Burton 5:
"For those of you who don’t know, my Grandma Burton has been sick with Cancer for awhile and went home to heaven Sunday night. I will miss her. I have many fond memories of her. She loved cards, boggle, cribbage, and many other games. She loved to have the family over for any occasion. (Sometimes the Burton’s would just make up reasons to get together.) I remember she would make the best popcorn from an old beat up metal pot on the stove. Her roast beef was out of this world, I could eat my weight in it, and her potato salad was pure gold with a little sprinkle of paprika on top :-) At Christmas time she loved to decorate the ENTIRE living room with Christmas stuff. (So much, one year half of us had to sit in the kitchen for opening gifts There was never a dull moment over at that house, considering she had eight kids and close to a thousand grandchildren."
Full post here
Travel weary and content...

From She Just Keeps Rolling:
"Highlights: My nephew Richard's graduation (right up there with the ice cream brrritoes, despite getting soaked and then steamed!); lunch in Portland with my brother John; sleepover with BFF Angie at the Holy House (1629-22nd Ave); playing cribbage with Dad and catching up with Mom and Dad; playing wit-tag with some of the Scott family; squeezing the stuffing out of Molly, Anna, and Megan; leaving our mark on the Holy House with Anne and Meg; finding the perfect t-shirt to bring home to the twins ("the people's republic of portland")."
Full post
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Complicated cribbage...

From Ed Horch: Completely Nonymous:
"Cribbage: An overly complicated card game that's popular on my mother's side of the family. My grandfather is the only one who can beat me on a regular basis, but having read a couple of books on the game, it's clear I'm still a living-room player, nowhere near tournament skill."
Full post
Lunch Lady retires... looks for cribbage game...
From the Metro West Daily News:
"...She started working as a cafeteria employee in January 1968 so she could be home when her daughter, then in the first grade, got out of school. She now has four grown children and a 16-year-old grandson, she said.
Sydell said after retirement she plans to volunteer for a local hospital and look for a local game of cribbage. She credited her fellow employees and supervisors..."
Full article...
"...She started working as a cafeteria employee in January 1968 so she could be home when her daughter, then in the first grade, got out of school. She now has four grown children and a 16-year-old grandson, she said.
Sydell said after retirement she plans to volunteer for a local hospital and look for a local game of cribbage. She credited her fellow employees and supervisors..."
Full article...
john hilliard,
metro daily west news,
Dorothy Abel: Pegged Out...

From the Leader Telegram:
Dorothy Helen Abel, 89, died Sunday, June 1, 2008, at her residence at the Savannah Grand in Woodstock, Ga. She previously lived in the Eau Claire area, from 1919 until November of 2006, most recently at Eastridge Estates.
Dorothy was born April 26, 1919, in Eau Claire to Leo and Helen (Weber) Culbert. She married Gregory W. Abel on Feb. 27, 1939, in Eau Claire. Dorothy attended grade school and high school at Sacred Heart in Eau Claire. During World War II, she worked in the defense industry before she was accepted into nurses training. She graduated from Mount Sinai Nursing School in Milwaukee as a member of the U.S. Army Cadet Corps. She then worked for many years as a registered nurse at Sacred Heart Hospital and also at Mount Washington Residence in Eau Claire.
Dorothy's greatest pleasure included the time spent with her family and many close friends. She totally enjoyed a family picnic and was always ready for a spirited game of cribbage or cards. She usually emerged the winner, even in her 89th year.
Survivors include a daughter, Dawn (Allan) Boline, of Acworth, Ga.; two sons, Patrick (Bonnie) Abel of Manhattan, Kan., and Michael (Nancy) Abel of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; a sister, Mary Ann Gleason, of Bradenton, Fla.; and a brother, John Culbert, of Owen; six grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Gregory; sister, Leona; brothers, James and Edward; and her parents.
A memorial Mass will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, June 13, 2008, at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church with the Rev. Eugene Klink officiating. Dorothy had been a member of the Immaculate Conception Parish for more than 50 years. Inurnment will be in the Chapel of Resurrection Mausoleum, Eau Claire.
There will be no visitation.
Memorial contributions may be directed to Homestead Hospice, 3690 Holcomb Bridge Road, Norcross, GA 30092; to Immaculate Conception Church in Eau Claire; or to a charity of your choice.
Cremation Society of Wisconsin in Altoona is serving the family.
Original article
pegged out,
world war II
Kiwi cribbage adventure...

An excellent adventure in the land of The Lord of the Rings...
From Tyler Kieft:
"Feeling tired, we stopped back in town at Arthur’s Cafe and Restaurant and ordered two hot-chocolates, my brilliant idea. They were brought over to us while we collapsed on two fireside couches. I took one sip, and that was all that was needed to realize that I had just tasted the best hot chocolate of my life. It had a large, foamy head on it and it was of the perfect sweetness. We ordered dinner there as well, and since we didn’t want to leave and head back into the cold wilderness, we played a round of billiards and some cribbage as well. Tom probably hopes I forgot, but I skunked him in the first round of cribbage!"
Full post...
Monday, June 9, 2008
The trouble with cribbage...

From The Trouble With Teri:
"While there are many, many things we look forward to doing on our vacation (notably, kayak-related disasters, cooking-related disasters, fire-pit-related disasters, ping-pong "incidents," the game of cribbage that Went Horribly Wrong, gas-grill-related disasters, disasters that began when we were being too complacent enjoying the scenery, squirrel-related disasters, fireplace-related disasters, and, of course, Teri-With-A-Stick- related disasters), one of the main ones I'm looking forward to is getting a chance to write in a peaceful place where I don't have the excuse of World of Warcraft tugging me away from the words that are itching to get out onto the page."
52 new boards...
From 19 Point Hand:
"I decided to go ahead and just release all 52 boards at once, instead of adding them ad-hoc. Doing so many boards at once made it easier when it came time to photograph the boards (although some of the pictures came out fuzzy and I will re-shoot them), if need be. 50 of the 52 boards are part of 6 new series and I FINALLY finished the Saturn Moon Series with the addition of the last remaining board and added the last board to the "7 Time Tour de France" Series. As always, I try and keep my prices reasonable and you get a significant break on shipping costs if you buy more than one board. You may notice that the purpleheart I use in my boards is quite "purple". I tried something new this time around. As soon as I finished the boards, I put them out in the sun for a couple of hours. This did 2 things. It let the oil/wax finish soak in nicely and it oxidized or turned the colors of the wood a little darker and a little richer. I also photographed all the boards with the pegs that are included with the board. I have added (4) 4 players boards - in the Mercury 13 Series. Of those 4 boards, the "Truhill" board is probably the nicest. With this board, I used a thicker cherry boarder and I think the proportions worked out better (given the large size of the board). And despite my best efforts to the contrary there are some "Postpono" or 'Factory Seconds" boards. There are 2 Postpono boards in the "A Seven Course Meal of Extinct Candy Bars" series and there 3 Postpono boards in the "Apollo Lunar Modules" series. As always, Postpono boards are significantly discounted. "
Full post
"I decided to go ahead and just release all 52 boards at once, instead of adding them ad-hoc. Doing so many boards at once made it easier when it came time to photograph the boards (although some of the pictures came out fuzzy and I will re-shoot them), if need be. 50 of the 52 boards are part of 6 new series and I FINALLY finished the Saturn Moon Series with the addition of the last remaining board and added the last board to the "7 Time Tour de France" Series. As always, I try and keep my prices reasonable and you get a significant break on shipping costs if you buy more than one board. You may notice that the purpleheart I use in my boards is quite "purple". I tried something new this time around. As soon as I finished the boards, I put them out in the sun for a couple of hours. This did 2 things. It let the oil/wax finish soak in nicely and it oxidized or turned the colors of the wood a little darker and a little richer. I also photographed all the boards with the pegs that are included with the board. I have added (4) 4 players boards - in the Mercury 13 Series. Of those 4 boards, the "Truhill" board is probably the nicest. With this board, I used a thicker cherry boarder and I think the proportions worked out better (given the large size of the board). And despite my best efforts to the contrary there are some "Postpono" or 'Factory Seconds" boards. There are 2 Postpono boards in the "A Seven Course Meal of Extinct Candy Bars" series and there 3 Postpono boards in the "Apollo Lunar Modules" series. As always, Postpono boards are significantly discounted. "
Full post
Cribbage and kinky networking

From baileythorne:
"TangoMentor taught me to play cribbage. I brought him to coffee on a Sunday with Dmitriy & Scarlett. He taught Dmitriy to play cribbage. Now, Dmitriy & I play most every Sunday morning. This has helped cement our friendship (except for those rare times I beat him :-)"
Full post
Sunday, June 8, 2008
An alphabetic cribbage mention...
From Seismic Twitch:
"A is for your age:
For now I’m 47.
B is for your burger of choice:
I really like “President’s Choice” swiss cheese an portabella mushroom burgers. Those things blow any concept of watching fat intake right out of the water.
C is for the car that you drive:
Jeep Grand Cherokee
D is for dog’s name:
“Dead” comes to mind because she’s been dead for 22 years. However, when she was alive her name was Watson
E is for an essential item you use each day:
I guess that would be my medications.
F is for your favorite television show:
That’s easy, First 48 on A&E
G is for favorite game:
Scrabble and cribbage"
"A is for your age:
For now I’m 47.
B is for your burger of choice:
I really like “President’s Choice” swiss cheese an portabella mushroom burgers. Those things blow any concept of watching fat intake right out of the water.
C is for the car that you drive:
Jeep Grand Cherokee
D is for dog’s name:
“Dead” comes to mind because she’s been dead for 22 years. However, when she was alive her name was Watson
E is for an essential item you use each day:
I guess that would be my medications.
F is for your favorite television show:
That’s easy, First 48 on A&E
G is for favorite game:
Scrabble and cribbage"
Jerk of a mother should not be playing cribbage...
From Blue Camosis:
"Sometimes in life it seems as though she is looking to "squash" me down to size. I don't condone a lot of the things she does but I don't say much to her about it. If she wants to be a jerk when she beats me at cribbage, I don't say anything. I just go numb and let her be that way. I do love her, but I don't want to be her. She is my mom and will always be my mom, but I don't want her to think that I am going to get into a pissing contest with her. If she wants to win, win I don't care. So it takes the fun out of playing games with her. .."
Hey BlueCamosis,
I was searching for "cribbage" and found your post...
Just my opinion, and I don't know you at all, so I'll say it like I see it... your mother is a total jerk and you should do everything you can to get away from her as soon as possible. You should not be subjected to the things you describe in your blog. YOU can take control of your own life and unfortunately not everyone gets a good mother.
There are plenty of other people out there that you can have good, decent relationships with and dump the pitiful thing who happened to have given birth to you.
Just my two cents.
Cheers, and best to you,
"Sometimes in life it seems as though she is looking to "squash" me down to size. I don't condone a lot of the things she does but I don't say much to her about it. If she wants to be a jerk when she beats me at cribbage, I don't say anything. I just go numb and let her be that way. I do love her, but I don't want to be her. She is my mom and will always be my mom, but I don't want her to think that I am going to get into a pissing contest with her. If she wants to win, win I don't care. So it takes the fun out of playing games with her. .."
Hey BlueCamosis,
I was searching for "cribbage" and found your post...
Just my opinion, and I don't know you at all, so I'll say it like I see it... your mother is a total jerk and you should do everything you can to get away from her as soon as possible. You should not be subjected to the things you describe in your blog. YOU can take control of your own life and unfortunately not everyone gets a good mother.
There are plenty of other people out there that you can have good, decent relationships with and dump the pitiful thing who happened to have given birth to you.
Just my two cents.
Cheers, and best to you,
Life speeds up... counting your hand will follow...

From About a Girl:
"im really thankful to my mother who just happen to be here this week cause i dont know how i would have done this with out her.
ive also had a wonderful week with friends. Sausage fest was a blast good food great company. I got to hang out with kelly and meet her boyfriend and his friend andy. It was fun to get to know him better. I have only just recently become really good friends with her but it makes me feel better knowing she has him. Even my last night rocking at the littles went above and beyond my expectations. I learned how to play cribbage ( i have to learn how to count faster). And had good laughs and rants...."
Full post
Marine, sheriff's deputy, cribbage player...

Mathew John Arnold
Sgt. Mathew John Arnold is a native of Yuba City and the son of John and Debi Arnold. He has a sister, Jennifer Bower, and is uncle to 3 nieces and a nephew.
Arnold graduated in 2000 from Yuba City High School and is engaged to Tianna McInally of Sutter. He has one son.
He enjoys camping, hunting, fishing, baseball and cribbage.
Mathew finished four years of active duty with the Marines and became a Yuba County sheriff's deputy. He was among the 1,800 Marines recently recalled to active duty and is now serving in Iraq.
Arnold was trained in artillery and is a .50 caliber gunner attached to I.E.D. Security Forces at Camp Pendleton.
Original post
24 countries and counting...
That's right, only a couple days since adding numbers 22 and 23 we are now up to 24 countries clicking onto Cribbaholics Unanimous! Pretty exciting... call your friends! Lets keep going until we get EVERY country on Earth.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Toilet seats and cribbage teachers...

From mapiprincesa:
"3. I once ran to my first grade teacher and reported that "The boys have been playing in the girls' bathroom again." "Why, how do you know that?" she asked. In my 6-year old worldly wisdom, I rolled my eyes and responded, "Well, all the toilet seats are up again."
4. I stayed after school every day for two months to teach my sixth grade math teacher how to play cribbage. She still remembers that. (told you I'm a nerd...)"
Read more
Cribbage at Sam Bond's...

From the Oregon Commentator:
"Sam Bond’s Makes “Best Bars in America” List
Esquire has included local bar Sam Bond’s Garage in its list of the 100 best bars in America. Sam Bond’s was the only bar from Oregon to make the cut. Here’s what Esquire had to say about the venerable establishment:"
As you stretch out on the split-timber benches under the old barn’s bare rafters, you slowly realize you’re in the family room of one of the weirdest neighborhoods in America — a shady, overgrown co-op of artists, ecoanarchists, spirit healers, drug dealers, and permanently circling vagabonds. And the living couldn’t be better: Couples play cribbage on the rough-hewn communal tables, kids loll on the modest stage until the sun goes down, and the strong-limbed waitresses circulate the beers in mason jars and smile, but only if they really mean it. It’s like a frontier dance hall in a mining town where the vein’s gone dry. The dreams are alive, but appealingly bruised.
Full article
Pegged Out: Robert P. McKeever...
From the Philadelphia Inquirer:
"Robert P. McKeever, 84, former merchant marine
By Gayle Ronan Sims
Inquirer Staff Writer
Robert P. McKeever, 84, a tanker ship captain who spent most of his life at sea as a merchant marine, the owner of a maritime detective agency, and the head of a coal cogeneration firm, died May 14 of multiple systems atrophy, a neurological disease, at home in Center City.
Mr. McKeever grew up poor in East Falls; his father was a vegetable huckster and his mother told fortunes by reading tea leaves from the step of their rowhouse. The youngest of four children, Mr. McKeever, like his brothers, went to sea and worked on a tanker after dropping out of the 10th grade.
During World War II, Mr. McKeever joined the Merchant Marine and saw combat in the Pacific before being discharged in 1946.
When he was 23, Mr. McKeever earned a master's marine pilot license and became captain of his first ship. He commanded a tanker that transported salvage through the Panama and Suez Canals for Keystone Shipping Co., one of the largest independent tanker operators under the U.S. flag.
Mr. McKeever ended his shipping career with Keystone as senior vice president of shipping and as president of Keystone Cogeneration.
While at sea, Mr. McKeever was never without an animal. "He dressed his boxer in a captain's uniform and put him on the helm," said his wife of 20 years, Carla Morgan. "Bob rescued a sick cat and nursed it back to health on his ship. It turned out to be a puma, and he had to donate it to a zoo."
Mr. McKeever won a parrot in a card game and named it Hector the Garbage Collector. "The parrot sat on Bob's shoulder and swore in Spanish," his wife said.
In the 1970s, while still working for Keystone, Mr. McKeever purchased the Edward J. Ring Detective Agency and founded Reliance Security, both on Front Street. He employed more than 100 people, including moonlighting Philadelphia police officers. The firms provided security for businesses on the waterfront and for ships. He sold the agencies in 1993.
In the 1980s, Mr. McKeever started All Secure, a security firm which he sold in 1990 to his daughter, Kristin. She moved the company to Conshohocken where she employs more than 100 people.
"Bob was a generous man and considered himself the protector of his large family," his wife said. "He gave jobs to cousins, nephews, and other family members."
Mr. McKeever married Elois Longacre in 1943, and they raised three children before the marriage ended in 1983. He married Carla Morgan in 1988. She brought three daughters to the marriage.
Mr. McKeever and his wife moved to Cape May Beach in 1993, where his tie to the ocean was fishing, boating and walking his dog on the beach.
"For years before we bought a house in Cape May, we spent summers on our power boat eating the fish we caught, relaxing and playing cribbage. Bob hated to lose to me at cribbage," his wife said. "His trademark cocktail was scotch with a half of a peach floating in it."
In addition to his wife, daughter and former wife, Mr. McKeever is survived by another daughter, Kathie Rosse; a son, Kevin; stepdaughters Sarah, Becky and Maria Morgan; 12 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
A celebration of life will be at 3:30 p.m. May 29 at the Independence Seaport Museum, 211 S. Columbus Blvd., on Penn's Landing. His body was donated to science.
Donations may be made to the Wissahickon Hospice, 150 Monument Rd., Suite 300, Bala Cynwyd, Pa. 19004."
Original article
Tournament... At the Wild Turkey, Dallas, TX...
When: Wednesdays from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Next date: Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Event is ongoing: Indefinitely
Where: The Wild Turkey, 2470 Walnut Hill Lane, Dallas
Cost: $0.50 - $15
Age limit: 10+
Members of the American Cribbage Congress hold a 9 game tournament every Wednesday. We average 14 to 24 members every week and the ages range from 14 to 86. Anyone is welcome to come play ... all skill levels are welcome
Next date: Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Event is ongoing: Indefinitely
Where: The Wild Turkey, 2470 Walnut Hill Lane, Dallas
Cost: $0.50 - $15
Age limit: 10+
Members of the American Cribbage Congress hold a 9 game tournament every Wednesday. We average 14 to 24 members every week and the ages range from 14 to 86. Anyone is welcome to come play ... all skill levels are welcome
Comics and cribbage...

From Bug Powder:
"Its been ten years since the publication of Jenny Linn-Cole's 'Cribbage'. The rules of the game explained by a Captain Pugwash-alike, featuring other characters of Jenny's own creation, These found their way into background parts in the 200 odd page Gurkin Trifle, and its spin-offs over the years. Linn-Coles' pirate comics revolve around the world of Septimus Le Plage, the loveable but thoroughly incompetent pirate and his partner, the firey Captain Kat. This great wee stand-alone tale chronicles one of Le Plage's rare opportunities to access power denied his station, and his girlfriend's attempt to enlighten him practically on the burdens this brings...."
Full post
A couple of thoughts on Cribbage...

From Shauna at Down to Earth:
"A couple of thoughts...
I would not have thought that a poet would have invented a game based on math and numbers, shouldn't he have invented Scrabble?
His last name was Suckling!?!
I am not sure that I would play a game called "noddy" maybe it's bizarre name is why it no longer exists."
Full post
Pegged Out: Viola Ann Simrak

From the Superior Daily Telegraph:
Viola Ann Simrak, 87, of Superior, formerly a resident of the Allouez neighborhood, died Tuesday, June 3, 2008, at St. Mary’s Medical Center in Duluth.
Viola was born in Oliver on Sept. 20, 1920, the daughter of Lottie (Cragin) and Frank Kervina. She married Frank J. Simrak on Sept. 30, 1938, in Duluth.
She was a nurse’s aide at the former St. Mary’s Hospital in Superior before becoming a homemaker and raising her two daughters. She was a member of St. Anthony’s Catholic Church. Viola loved to visit with friends and family and play cribbage and bingo.
Viola was preceded in death by her parents; her husband Frank on March 15, 1975; a granddaughter, Denise Marie Schnabel; two sisters, Margie Cramer and Ethel Suikonen; and two brothers, Robert and Frank Kervina.
She is survived by her daughters and sons-in-law, Gloria J. and Jack Schnabel of Yucaipa, Calif. and Debra J. and Scott Simrak of Duluth; grandchildren, Craig Schnabel and Cheryl (Robert) Rowell of California, Jasmine (Joe) Lake of Illinois, and Mikhail Simrak of Duluth; great-grandchildren, Jesse, Brittney, Ryan, and Joshua of California, and Tony of Illinois; a brother and sister-in-law, Raymond and Gloria Kervina of Bloomington, Minn.; a sister, Gladys Timmer of Minneapolis; and many nieces and nephews.
Visitation is Saturday from 10 a.m. until the 11 a.m. memorial mass at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church with the Rev. Dean Buttrick as celebrant. Inurnment is in Calvary Cemetery.
The Butcher, Cribbage Champion of the Cauliflower Alley Club...

From Slam! Sports:
"Though Butcher Vachon has been up on the stage numerous times, usually to sing in his deep, baritone voice, he has never been officially honoured with a special award or given any kind of special tribute. In fact, the closest Paul has ever come to being honoured was when he was crowned the CAC cribbage champion in 2002."
Full article
c.u. hall of fame,
Cribbage tournaments,
Slam Sports,
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Cribbage on the HMS Swiftsure...
From Voyages of the HMS Swiftsure:
Capt. Karen says:
"We had all the signs pointing our way. Our shirts were the same colour as the medal we were hoping to win, we had last year's medal for luck, a mechanical dancing hamster dressed up as a robot (we had given away last year's lucky hamster), Mr. Roboto played on the radio on the way to the event, four returning members of last year's was all falling into place. We were stoked. A bit cocky maybe. Methinks a bit too cocky."
22 Cribbaholic Countries!
We just added India to our growing list of countries that have visited Cribbaholics Unanimous! Pretty exciting I think. If you want to help me get to every country in the world then just call up your friends in Cameroon, Congo and Chile... as well as countries that don't begin with the letter "c" and tell then to check out C.U. online. What is the great incentive you ask???
Hmmm, that's a good question. You can't play games here, you can't really buy anything (unless you want to click the link to buy my Crash Cribbage game) and you can't even chat with people here... So, what is it that people come to C.U. for?
The answer: to read stories about other cribbage players around the world, to participate in the "larger game" going on all around us, to find commonalities with a global community, to realize that we are NOT ALONE in a cribbageless world... or perhaps we are bored and just looking for a game of cribbage... which we inevitably DON'T find here, but maybe click on a link and go to Kings Cribbage Online where they now offer regular cribbage as well as King's Cribbage -- and both for FREE! That is truly a great site if you love cribbage.
Cheers, and Happy pegging,
P.s. While I was writing this post we added yet another country to the list - not sure if it was Japan or Greece... I can't keep up with it all!!!!
Hmmm, that's a good question. You can't play games here, you can't really buy anything (unless you want to click the link to buy my Crash Cribbage game) and you can't even chat with people here... So, what is it that people come to C.U. for?
The answer: to read stories about other cribbage players around the world, to participate in the "larger game" going on all around us, to find commonalities with a global community, to realize that we are NOT ALONE in a cribbageless world... or perhaps we are bored and just looking for a game of cribbage... which we inevitably DON'T find here, but maybe click on a link and go to Kings Cribbage Online where they now offer regular cribbage as well as King's Cribbage -- and both for FREE! That is truly a great site if you love cribbage.
Cheers, and Happy pegging,
P.s. While I was writing this post we added yet another country to the list - not sure if it was Japan or Greece... I can't keep up with it all!!!!
crash cribbage,
King’s cribbage
Corporate Challenge Cribbage.... and funky orange shirts...

From Every Day's an Adventure:
Connie Nichol says:
"This was the first corporate challenge event I've ever done and it was loads of fun. I was asked to join the cribbage team for Agrium, and because twenty years ago I was reasonably good at the game, I agreed! I had to practice a little bit with my hubby and reread the rules, but it quickly came back to me. In the old days, I used to play a fair bit of cribbage, especially on airplanes to kill time on long flights. It's a great game. Anyway, my partner Darcy and I finished with 3 wins and 3 losses, not enough to win anything, but not embarrassing either. I think I might try it again next year!

And we got funky new orange shirts..................... :-)"
Full post
Cribbage on honeymoon...
From Pink Green:
"What was I doing 10 years ago?
I was on my honeymoon. We took the ferry to Cherbourg and drove down through Brittany, stopping at Barfleur, Vannes, Nantes, and La Rochelle (with a few other places along the way), and then had the second week in a gorgeous stone cottage by the river near Il d'Oleron. We went to Cognac and had a tour of the distilleries (and came back with several bottles), visited Il d'Oleron, St Jean d'Angely (which is the weirdest town I have ever been to - they had piped music playing through tannoys in the streets, but not a soul in sight - creepy), and many other towns and villages. We sat out every night playing cribbage and Scrabble, whilst drinking wine and watching the swallows dart in and out of the barn next door. Bliss."
Full post
"What was I doing 10 years ago?
I was on my honeymoon. We took the ferry to Cherbourg and drove down through Brittany, stopping at Barfleur, Vannes, Nantes, and La Rochelle (with a few other places along the way), and then had the second week in a gorgeous stone cottage by the river near Il d'Oleron. We went to Cognac and had a tour of the distilleries (and came back with several bottles), visited Il d'Oleron, St Jean d'Angely (which is the weirdest town I have ever been to - they had piped music playing through tannoys in the streets, but not a soul in sight - creepy), and many other towns and villages. We sat out every night playing cribbage and Scrabble, whilst drinking wine and watching the swallows dart in and out of the barn next door. Bliss."
Full post
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Pickles, dimes, Cribbage...
From Pickles and Dimes:
"I am 25 games down in our annual cribbage tournament. You might say it’s still early in the year and I shouldn’t panic, right? Well, how about if I tell you that in January, I was 17 games ahead? That is a 42 game swing. Needless to say, if you have any cribbage-winning tips, send them my way."
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"I am 25 games down in our annual cribbage tournament. You might say it’s still early in the year and I shouldn’t panic, right? Well, how about if I tell you that in January, I was 17 games ahead? That is a 42 game swing. Needless to say, if you have any cribbage-winning tips, send them my way."
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Man gets pegged... ouch!
From Richards of Sweet Home:
"...The guys came home, and the kids were playing so nicely, that we got in another game of cribbage. Sadly, the girls were skunked...but, let it be known...this is what you end up looking like after a skunking!"

"In all seriousness--we are thankful this is all Sean got! He was helping a friend yesterday to raise a large post over their drive, and Sean was on top of the beam, 18 ft in the air. The chain binder jumped or let go, and it came back to hit Sean in the hand, lip & face, causing him to have several stitches in his hand & cheek. The picture of the laceration doesn't really do the cut justice, as I saw how ucky it looked just after he did it, and the picture does not give the dimensional look! We shudder to think of how serious (or fatal) this could have been, and Praise God for his watchful eye over Sean..."
Original post
"...The guys came home, and the kids were playing so nicely, that we got in another game of cribbage. Sadly, the girls were skunked...but, let it be known...this is what you end up looking like after a skunking!"

"In all seriousness--we are thankful this is all Sean got! He was helping a friend yesterday to raise a large post over their drive, and Sean was on top of the beam, 18 ft in the air. The chain binder jumped or let go, and it came back to hit Sean in the hand, lip & face, causing him to have several stitches in his hand & cheek. The picture of the laceration doesn't really do the cut justice, as I saw how ucky it looked just after he did it, and the picture does not give the dimensional look! We shudder to think of how serious (or fatal) this could have been, and Praise God for his watchful eye over Sean..."
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c.u. hall of fame,
Richards of Sweet Home,
Pegged Out - Donna M. Steinmetz, 77
Donna M. Steinmetz, 77, Mound, Minn., died Saturday, May 24, 2008, at St. Louis Park, Minn.
She was born July 20, 1930, and raised in the Prairie Farm, Wis., area. She worked as a clerical person in the retail food business.
Donna enjoyed gardening and playing dominoes, cribbage and other games.
Surviving are her husband, Bob of Mound; children, Tom (Cheryl) Steinmetz, Jeffrey Steinmetz, Jane Steinmetz and David (Pam) Steinmetz; grandchildren, Amanda and Melinda Steinmetz; a sister, Ione Erickson; as well as nieces and nephews.
Graveside services will be held at 1 p.m. Friday, May 30, at Akers Cemetery, Prairie Farm.
Visitation will be held 6-8 p.m. Thursday from Huber Funeral Home, 1801 Commerce Blvd., Mound.
Memorials are preferred in lieu of flowers.
Original article
She was born July 20, 1930, and raised in the Prairie Farm, Wis., area. She worked as a clerical person in the retail food business.
Donna enjoyed gardening and playing dominoes, cribbage and other games.
Surviving are her husband, Bob of Mound; children, Tom (Cheryl) Steinmetz, Jeffrey Steinmetz, Jane Steinmetz and David (Pam) Steinmetz; grandchildren, Amanda and Melinda Steinmetz; a sister, Ione Erickson; as well as nieces and nephews.
Graveside services will be held at 1 p.m. Friday, May 30, at Akers Cemetery, Prairie Farm.
Visitation will be held 6-8 p.m. Thursday from Huber Funeral Home, 1801 Commerce Blvd., Mound.
Memorials are preferred in lieu of flowers.
Original article
It's called begging (not pegging)
Okay, I'll be the first to admit it... this is a blatant beg for money. Why me, why now? Well, I need to raise some funds so that I can have my Crash Cribbage game transformed into an electronic version that can be played online!
Here's the deal... I have been seeking for someone able to design a good version of Crash Cribbage for several years now. I finally have found that person - Damien Blond of King's Cribbage online - but I don't have the required funds to be able to get this project running. I need about $4,000. Could probably get a good start with just 3K$, but 4 would really put me in there. I don't see that as an extraordinary amount by any means! Unfortunately, I have a problem.
My problem is that I have had, for the past 6 years, about 2,000 Crash Cribbage boards sitting in my garage. Yes, I do sell them so there are probably only 1500 at this point. It is slow steady sales. I don't really have a lot of time to proactively market them so they continue to sell slow and steady. I spent close to 10K$ on product development, etc and for the first run of 2100 boards. That is money that has NOT been recuped yet from my sales. So, to get back to "the problem," (remember i said there is a problem?)... the problem is that if I tell my wife that I'm going to spend an additional 3-4K$ on developing an electronic version of my garage-filler she may just sneak up behind me with a cast iron frying pan and help me to overcome my enthusiasm.
So, you see, if the money were to be donated at least I can avoid medical expenses of fixing my skull. Actually, my wife is the best! Her reservations are well founded -- especially with our children having a nasty habit of wanting to eat and wear clothes... how can I argue???
Please save my family! Donate now by sending $4,000 to my paypal account using my email of respond to this offer and you will enter the realm of immortality since I will name the annual Crash Cribbage Tournament Trophy after you and your name will forever be affiliated with Crash Cribbage. When people think of online Crash Cribbage they will think of you. Here's an example:
If your name is John Doe, the trophy will be: The "John Doe Crash Cribbage Cup"... Imagine your name there and log on to paypal now... You know you want to be immortal like Sir John Suckling himself!
Here's the deal... I have been seeking for someone able to design a good version of Crash Cribbage for several years now. I finally have found that person - Damien Blond of King's Cribbage online - but I don't have the required funds to be able to get this project running. I need about $4,000. Could probably get a good start with just 3K$, but 4 would really put me in there. I don't see that as an extraordinary amount by any means! Unfortunately, I have a problem.
My problem is that I have had, for the past 6 years, about 2,000 Crash Cribbage boards sitting in my garage. Yes, I do sell them so there are probably only 1500 at this point. It is slow steady sales. I don't really have a lot of time to proactively market them so they continue to sell slow and steady. I spent close to 10K$ on product development, etc and for the first run of 2100 boards. That is money that has NOT been recuped yet from my sales. So, to get back to "the problem," (remember i said there is a problem?)... the problem is that if I tell my wife that I'm going to spend an additional 3-4K$ on developing an electronic version of my garage-filler she may just sneak up behind me with a cast iron frying pan and help me to overcome my enthusiasm.
So, you see, if the money were to be donated at least I can avoid medical expenses of fixing my skull. Actually, my wife is the best! Her reservations are well founded -- especially with our children having a nasty habit of wanting to eat and wear clothes... how can I argue???
Please save my family! Donate now by sending $4,000 to my paypal account using my email of respond to this offer and you will enter the realm of immortality since I will name the annual Crash Cribbage Tournament Trophy after you and your name will forever be affiliated with Crash Cribbage. When people think of online Crash Cribbage they will think of you. Here's an example:
If your name is John Doe, the trophy will be: The "John Doe Crash Cribbage Cup"... Imagine your name there and log on to paypal now... You know you want to be immortal like Sir John Suckling himself!
Bored gamer prefers Cribbage...

From Knight Watch:
"...When I was a child, I didn't play board games like Candyland or Chutes and Ladders. I grew up in a Cribbage family. Cribbage is played by two players with a deck of cards and a board with four pegs to keep score. Cribbage dates back to whaling days when it was likely only two men at a time would be free to play a game. Although a wild card provides a bit of luck, it's primarily a strategic competition. Cribbage spoiled me for Monopoly and Clue. For me those games were bored games..."
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Prince of Wales sweeps the boards...
From Malvern Gazette:
"THE Prince of Wales swept the boards at Ledbury Cribbage League's annual presentation night, winning the league and team knock-out and finishing runners-up in the Ken Long Trophy.
The British Legion won the Ken Long Trophy and were runners-up in the knock-out. The Green Dragon were league runners-up and the Duke of York won the Crocket league's Memorial at Sunday's event."
Original article
"THE Prince of Wales swept the boards at Ledbury Cribbage League's annual presentation night, winning the league and team knock-out and finishing runners-up in the Ken Long Trophy.
The British Legion won the Ken Long Trophy and were runners-up in the knock-out. The Green Dragon were league runners-up and the Duke of York won the Crocket league's Memorial at Sunday's event."
Original article
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Cribbage Corner is now updated...
If you have not checked out this site you should do it now! There is a lot of great info related to cribbage.
Cribbage at Victoria's Secret...

From Tortious:
Victoria's Secret taught me many a thing, some I will save for another time, but suffice to say:
Never question a man who is at a lingerie store looking for gifts for his Mom, his Girl AND his Baby Momma. Just smile and grab a flannel set, some perfume and a pair of crotchless panties.
I hate people and thank GOD I became BFF with the store manager and she let me act on my OCD-ness and work processing and the back room organization. Oh and goof off with her gossiping in the back room, drinking Starbucks and talking about poop and which fireman we were, uh… playing cribbage, yeah, cribbage with that weekend.
No one needs over 20 bras. No One. Ever. And yet, if they are free, you just keep racking them up! (like the pun there? Rack! Racking!, yeah I'm just re-DONK-ulously funny. No?)
And finally, naughty underpants make even the worst situation easier to deal with.
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Cribbage lessons with Dad...
From nerdygirlramblings:
"We sat, side by side as the cards were shuffled and dealt. He said I might have to whisper so Mom couldn’t have any hints. The cards were top secret and so he carefully showed them to me and asked me “Can you add any of the numbers together to get 15?”
I pointed out a combination and he grouped together more. He told me we would have to give Mom two cards and asked which ones I thought were the least important. I picked the cards and the game started in play. 5. 10. 15-2. 25. 31 for 2 and a go makes 3. What were they talking about – the cards flew out of their hands so fast. I was frustrated – so they showed me what the numbers meant as I counted points off on the board. Dad said I’d have to watch a couple times to learn all the rules and how to play – but as I’m watching I could be on his team."
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"We sat, side by side as the cards were shuffled and dealt. He said I might have to whisper so Mom couldn’t have any hints. The cards were top secret and so he carefully showed them to me and asked me “Can you add any of the numbers together to get 15?”
I pointed out a combination and he grouped together more. He told me we would have to give Mom two cards and asked which ones I thought were the least important. I picked the cards and the game started in play. 5. 10. 15-2. 25. 31 for 2 and a go makes 3. What were they talking about – the cards flew out of their hands so fast. I was frustrated – so they showed me what the numbers meant as I counted points off on the board. Dad said I’d have to watch a couple times to learn all the rules and how to play – but as I’m watching I could be on his team."
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